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Cornerstone’s Health & Safety Expert Takes on Vice Chair Role at the Mast and Tower Safety Group


Cornerstone’s Head of Assurance, Safety & Risk, Andrew Alexander, has taken on the role of Vice Chair at The Mast and Tower Safety (MATS) Group to coincide with his current role. The objective is to make positive changes to health and safety within the telecoms and broadcast industry.

Who are MATS group?

The MATS Group consists of organisations that own or manage masts and towers (including all telecoms and broadcast structures) where there are specific and significant work at height and occupational radio frequency (RF) hazards. The group aims to raise awareness in health and safety and provide jointly agreed minimum standards and solutions for the industry.

Delivering Excellence

In his newly appointed role, Andrew will be integral in addressing health and safety concerns within the industry. Using his expertise and leveraging off his position at Cornerstone, he will support the MATS Group with innovative solutions that will benefit organisations and individuals when working with masts and towers whilst also supporting the MATS Chair person.

The importance of health and safety

Health and safety is the highest priority for Cornerstone and is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. We work with our stakeholders and interested parties to share best practices and try to innovate together. Using governance information gathered, as well as customer and partner suggestions, we take steps to improve the health and safety across our estate, a site at a time.

“Taking on this new role is a great opportunity to be able to knowledge share across the industry and work together to build a safer environment for everyone who is involved with masts and towers. I look forward to exploring new initiatives and ideas that will not only help Cornerstone but the whole industry.” Andrew Alexander, Head of Assurance, Safety & Risk, Cornerstone.