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Report Site Access Issues

Please use our site reporting form to tell us about site access issues, specifically where access to a site is not possible due to landlord unavailability, landlord information changes, landlord disputes (i.e. payment, legal, leaseholder), physical access issues, electricity and power issues, health and safety issues, or decommissioning work. On submission of the form, we will investigate and respond accordingly. Thank you.

Please tell us about your site

To help us resolve your issue and identify the site please provide as much information as possible

Please tell us about your site issue

  • (If you are submitting a standard access request, please provide the date/s of access required)

  • (size should be less than 5MB, files of type JPG, PDF, DOCX, XLSX, PNG, XLS, MSG, DOC, TXT, ZIP, JPEG, PPTX and PPT are permitted). Maximum upload size: 5.00 MB.

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