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On a mission to deliver infrastructure to the nation in a sustainable and responsible way.

We are proud of the strides we’ve made in our ESG journey, embedding sustainable, responsible, and inclusive practices at the heart of our strategy. We’ve achieved carbon zero for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2024, aiming for net zero by 2050.

Beyond environmental stewardship, we minimise infrastructure impact, support wildlife conservation, and engage with local communities. Notable efforts include raising over £18,000 for our chosen charities and fostering diversity through our DEI working group. As the UK’s leading digital infrastructure provider, we prioritise innovation, sustainability, and operational excellence while fostering an inclusive culture.


Our Strategy

Science-Based Target Initiative

We are committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions with net zero targets validated by the Science-Based Target Initiative. As part of a global network of over 1,800 companies, we aim to achieve net zero by 2050.

Sustainable Solutions

We are advancing sustainable practices through initiatives like cooling retrofits, HVO fuel usage, Power as a Service, and solar energy solutions, all designed to minimize our environmental impact.

Wildlife Conservation

We actively support local ecosystems by adapting our build and maintenance schedules to protect wildlife, including nesting and breeding birds, demonstrating our commitment to conservation.

Community and Environmental Engagement

We ensure responsible development through rigorous planning and engagement with local authorities, communities, and conservation groups, conducting thorough ecological and heritage assessments.

Our Achievements, 2023-24

Carbon Zero by 2024

We have achieved carbon zero for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2024 and remain committed to reaching net zero by 2050, demonstrating our long-term dedication to sustainability.

Site Life Cycle Analysis

We are working towards a Site Life Cycle Analysis to effectively target carbon intensive activities.

Biodiversity Enhancement

In partnership with the Scottish Raptor Group and WHP Telecoms, we reinstalled and maintained kestrel boxes at our Glasgow sites, addressing the decline in kestrel populations since the 1970s and supporting local biodiversity.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Our DEI working group has developed forward-looking plans based on employee feedback. We are dedicated to implementing company-wide initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion at all levels of the organisation.

Early Careers Development

At Cornerstone, we prioritise early career development through T-level placements, internships, and work experience opportunities. We also support the Cellular Field Network Engineer apprenticeship, bringing new talent into the industry.

We aim to be the leading provider of mobile tower infrastructure and digital connectivity solutions, dedicated to supporting the UK’s communication needs. With over 15,700 sites, we strive to ensure reliable service delivery and support the growth of digital services nationwide. We are integrating sustainable, responsible, and inclusive practices across our operations, from minimising environmental impact and supporting wildlife conservation to engaging with local communities.

Our commitment to ESG principles drives us to innovate, enhance sustainability, and achieve operational excellence, advancing responsible infrastructure development to meet the UK’s connectivity needs.


Leading UK in sustainable mobile infrastructure, committed to zero-carbon goals and biodiversity enhancement.


Upholding strong environmental management, ethical sourcing, and transparent, accountable practices in every operation.


Building partnerships, engaging with communities, and supporting initiatives that promote diversity and growth.


Our sustainability plan is centred on tackling climate change, having achieved zero carbon for our Scope 1 and 2 activities by 2024 and on track to reach net zero by 2050, supported by our partnership with Science Based Targets. We prioritise ethical sourcing, selecting tenders and partners with a strong focus on green practices and shared carbon reduction goals. Our dedication to environmental management is reflected in our adherence to the ISO 14001 EMS standard, driving continuous improvements across the business. Additionally, we are mindful of the environmental impact of our sites, ensuring we protect and enhance the ecosystems surrounding them.

Our Strategy

We’re committed to a clear, actionable strategy to achieve our sustainability goals, focusing on reducing carbon emissions, enhancing ethical practices, and driving innovation.
Implement a Clear and Concise Carbon Plan:
Setting and executing a carbon reduction strategy with annual reporting to the board ensures accountability and progress towards our sustainability goals.
Review and Enhance Our Ethical Purchasing Framework:
Prioritising suppliers with strong environmental credentials is crucial for building a green supply chain and promoting sustainability throughout our operations.
Invest in R&D for Sustainable Products:
Innovation in sustainable products is key to driving long-term environmental impact and staying ahead in the industry.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Implement a comprehensive carbon reduction plan, enhance energy efficiency, and promote green practices across our operations and supply chain.

Foster Innovation and Ethical Practices

Invest in sustainable product development, review and strengthen our ethical purchasing framework, and engage stakeholders to drive a culture of sustainability.

Our Strategy

We are dedicated to fostering a culture of compliance, transparency, and excellence through a comprehensive strategy.
Establish our Steerco
Set up a dedicated oversight committee to drive and champion our responsibility initiatives.
Review and Enhance Governance Framework:
Continuously evaluate and strengthen our governance framework to ensure transparency and accountability.
Complete Data Mapping and Management:
Conduct a thorough data mapping exercise and utilise this information to improve reporting and decision-making.
Focus on Quality and Compliance:
Implement stringent quality controls across operations, deliver high levels of compliance awareness, and maintain an effective risk management regime with transparent financial controls and annual board reporting.

Strengthen Governance and Compliance

Establish robust governance structures, enhance compliance awareness, and implement effective risk management and financial controls.

Commit to Quality and Data Integrity

Focus on maintaining high operational quality, complete comprehensive data mapping, and use data-driven insights to support transparent reporting and informed decision-making.


Our commitment to responsibility is reflected in our strong culture of compliance and ethics, where high awareness and a robust moral compass guide our actions. We uphold a transparent and accountable governance framework that ensures rigorous oversight and effective management.

Our focus on delivering quality is achieved through meticulous processes and procedures designed to ensure excellence in every aspect of our operations.

Additionally, we maintain a comprehensive understanding of our data, leveraging this information to provide accurate reporting and support informed decision-making across the business.

Our Strategy

We are dedicated to fostering a supportive and equitable workplace while actively engaging with our communities.
Conduct Regular Engagement Surveys:
Benchmark our annual engagement survey and use quarterly pulse surveys to continuously gauge and improve employee satisfaction.
Implement Inclusive Learning and Wellbeing Programs:
Deliver a market-leading wellbeing programme and an inclusive L&D programme across all business levels.
Advance DEI and Community Efforts:
Execute our DEI strategy, focus on community support and charity initiatives, and promote a hybrid working model to attract and retain diverse talent.

Enhance Employee Engagement and Development

Regularly measure and improve employee engagement through surveys and provide inclusive learning and wellbeing programmes to support all levels of the business.

Advance Diversity, Equity, and Community Support

Implement our DEI strategy, promote hybrid working to foster a diverse workforce, and actively contribute to community initiatives and charitable efforts.

Our Path to Sustainable, Responsible and Inclusive Leadership

At Cornerstone, we are committed to embedding sustainability, responsibility, and inclusivity into everything we do. Explore our 12-point plan, which outlines the steps we are taking to lead the industry with a strong ESG focus.

Tackling Climate Change

Tackling Climate Change

We achieved carbon neutrality for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2024, and have developed a five-year Carbon Reduction Plan, and extending our Environmental Policy to include sustainable commitments.

Ethical Partnerships

Ethical Partnerships

We are completing a supplier appraisal review, updating procurement contracts to include carbon reduction commitments, and developing a comprehensive supplier onboarding process.

Environmental Management

Environmental Management

We are maintaining our ISO14001 certification, delivering environmental awareness training for all employees, and issuing ECO design guidelines to our supply chain.

Embracing Biodiversity

Great Environmental Management

We are ensuring biodiversity net gain in planning applications, registering with the UK Business & Biodiversity Forum, and contributing to the Digital Connectivity Forum paper.

Robust Governance Framework

Robust Governance Framework

We are revising our ToR in line with Wates principles, introducing a new Director induction programme, enhancing information flow and confidentiality, and auditing the effectiveness of Board governance.

Great Compliance and Ethics

Great Compliance and Ethics

We are preparing to deliver Dawn Raid training, refreshing our GDPR regime, improving the Beacon Compliance platform, leveraging technology for compliance management, and re-energising our PRO behaviours.

Delivering Quality

Delivering Quality

We are working to ensure 95% of third-party spend aligns with our Supplier Code of Conduct, enhancing supplier accreditation and site access, retaining ISO accreditation, and updating our Health and Safety Strategy.

Knowing our Data

Knowing our Data

We are introducing the Ordnance Survey tool, embedding data literacy across the company, building a data dictionary, removing redundant data fields, and implementing the Milestone Exchange Gateway for data reconciliation.

Employee Engagement and Wellbeing

Employee Engagement and Wellbeing

We are implementing the wellbeing strategy, building departmental action plans from the employee engagement survey, and aiming for a 75% participation rate in 2024/25.

Diverse and Equitable

Diverse and Equitable

We are working towards signing the Ofcom Pledge, investing in leadership programmes for women, developing an Early Careers plan, promoting EDI awareness, and introducing STEM ambassadors.

Supporting the Community

Supporting the Community

We are striving to raise £10k for charity, undertaking 150 volunteering days, and establishing a fundraising committee.

Learning and Development

Learning and Development

We are developing strategic workforce plans, ensuring Line Managers hold development conversations, and aligning these efforts with the company’s long-term goals.