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Electronic Communications Code – Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited and (1) Ashloch Limited and (2) AP Wireless II (UK) Limited [2021] EWCA Civ 90 (“Ashloch”)

In this article Carlos Pierce and Jacinta Conway review how the Court of Appeal took a restrictive approach to deciding whether an operator has the ability to renew a telecommunications lease protected by Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 (“1954 Act”) under the Electronic Communications Code (“the Code”) in Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited and (1) Ashloch Limited and (2) AP Wireless II (UK) Limited [2021] EWCA Civ 90 (“Ashloch”).Read the full article here

Working together for the future of mobile connectivity

The demand for reliable mobile coverage continues, even more so during the national lockdown. Working together with industries to deliver telecom services has become even more imperative.

Cornerstone, the leader in UK mobile infrastructure services is committed to providing best in class mobile connectivity across the UK. Our mobile infrastructure helps keep our society well connected by being placed on rooftops, greenfield sites in rural locations and street work sites.

Building stronger connections with our landowner community, who are crucial in helping us roll-out the infrastructure needed for mobile services, enables us to build the mobile networks required for our future.

Our need for digital services is also recognised by the Government. Their ambition to deliver 5G will benefit us with better mobile communications, allowing us to experience new opportunities. To support this drive, Speed Up Britain, an industry-wide campaign, is working with the Government to make it easier and quicker to roll-out and upgrade mobile infrastructure throughout the country.

Join us and support the Speed Up Britain campaign, helping to build mobile networks for our future.

Let’s work together to stay digitally connected.

Find out more on how you can support Speed Up Britain by visiting our dedicated Speed Up Britain page.

O2, Three and Vodafone agree new deal to enhance rural coverage

Cornerstone is excited to hear the news on the collaboration of O2, Vodafone and Three to build and share 222 mobile masts to boost 4G rural coverage as part of the Shared Rural Network Programme. Along with the announcement today from DCMS on the consultation of the Electronic Communications Code, this is a positive step towards meeting connectivity demands and building networks for our future. As the UK’s leading Tower infrastructure company, we welcome the efforts by the industry and the government to make it easier and quicker to deploy and upgrade mobile infrastructure across the UK.


Mobile operators to build and share 222 mobile masts to boost 4G rural coverage.

All four nations of the United Kingdom set to benefit from new investment to eliminate Partial Not Spots.

This programme will deliver the first stage of the £1bn Shared Rural Network.

O2, Three and Vodafone will partner to build and share 222 new mobile masts to boost rural coverage across the United Kingdom and deliver the first stage of the Shared Rural Network* (SRN).

This programme of investment will increase coverage in each of the UK nations. 124 new sites will be built in Scotland, 33 in Wales, 11 in Northern Ireland, and 54 in England, with each operator leading on 74 of the new sites.

The construction of the new masts will commence in 2021 and is scheduled to be completed by 2024 in line with the agreement reached with the UK Government and Ofcom.

The three mobile operators will now engage with local stakeholders and other key parties to ensure a timely and efficient roll out that unlocks the benefits of 4G for these rural communities offering customers in very remote areas increased choice and fuller value from their contracts where they live, work or travel.

The exact number and location of masts will be subject to finding suitable sites, obtaining power supply and backhaul and securing the necessary permissions through the planning system.

The new investment as part of the programme, will extend the proportion of UK landmass where all mobile networks provide 4G services from 67% to 84%, and virtually eliminate Partial Not Spots (PNSs) – areas where at least one, but not all four of the UK’s mobile networks provide 4G coverage.

In addition to this privately funded SRN investment, the Government will also spend over £500m to go even further to eliminate areas where there is no 4G coverage from any operator. This will result in every mobile operator reaching 90% of UK landmass, with a combined coverage of 95%.

In Northern Ireland the SRN will see 4G coverage rise to at least 85% of landmass from 75%; in Scotland it will rise to at least 74% from 42%; in England it will rise from 81% to 90%; and in Wales it will rise to at least 80% from 58%.

Matt Warman, Minister for Digital Infrastructure, said:

“I’m delighted to see major progress being made to banish ‘not spots’ of poor or patchy mobile coverage. This new infrastructure will unlock the potential of rural communities in all four nations and offer greater choice of fast and reliable 4G services.

“As part of this new Shared Rural Network the government is also investing half a billion pounds on new masts in areas without any signal at all meaning no one is left behind.”

Mark Evans, CEO of O2, said:

“The Shared Rural Network is a new and more collaborative way of delivering greater investment in infrastructure to improve mobile digital connectivity – a high impact enabler of economic growth.  I am delighted that O2 is working in partnership with other mobile operators to deliver the Shared Rural Network, which will support individuals, businesses and communities across rural Britain.”

Robert Finnegan, CEO of Three UK, said:

“Mobile connectivity is absolutely critical for communities around the UK helping to support local economies and keeping people connected with their friends and family. The Shared Rural Network will have a transformative effect on coverage across the UK and it is great to be working with the rest of the industry to achieve this.”

Nick Jeffery, CEO of Vodafone UK, said:

“We know connectivity is vital and the only way to fill the holes in the UK’s mobile coverage is to work together. Our unique collaboration with O2 and Three will deliver 222 new sites in parts of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland that need better connectivity. Delivering the Shared Rural Network will make a huge difference to communities across the UK.”

The news comes as the government launches a consultation on whether reforms to the Electronic Communications Code are needed to ensure that the deployment, upgrading and sharing of digital infrastructure such as phone masts can happen as quickly and efficiently as possible. 


Notes for Editors:

  • The Shared Rural Network is a £1bn programme to improve rural mobile coverage and was agreed by the mobile network operators, Government and Ofcom in March 2020. Funded by the mobile industry and Government, investment will be made in new and existing phone masts to increase all operators’ 4G coverage to at least 90% of UK landmass and their aggregate coverage to 95% by 2026. It will provide guaranteed coverage to an additional 280,000 premises and 16,000km of roads and boost ‘in car’ coverage on around 45,000 km of road and better indoor coverage in around 1.2m business premises and homes.

Speed Up Britain welcomes Government consultation on the Electronic Communications Code

Press release

January 27, 2021, London – Speed Up Britain, the cross-industry, non-partisan organisation campaigning for better mobile connectivity in every part of the UK, welcomes today’s announcement that the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) will begin a consultation on potential changes to the 2017 Electronic Communications Code (“the Code”).

The issue

Speed Up Britain believes the Code, introduced to regulate the relationship between network operators and site providers who host the equipment needed for mobile networks, is not working as intended. Disagreements and lengthy legal proceedings over rights designed to facilitate the installation and maintenance of electronic communications networks are slowing down the buildout needed to deliver 4G and 5G technology across the country. In hampering the Government’s ambitious plans in this area, the Code in its current form is putting a huge economic prize at risk.

The Impact

Delays to the rollout of 5G and the Shared Rural Network caused by issues with the Code could cost the country tens of billions of pounds in lost economic output. A recent report by the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), supported by Speed Up Britain, has warned that if delays continue at their current rate, by 2027 over 11 million households and businesses could be missing out on vital digital connectivity.

The CPS estimates that if 5G coverage reaches a quarter more of the population than the Government’s current target of 51%, it will produce gains of £41.7 billion by 2027. Moreover, the difference between the UK being a leader in 5G adoption or ceding leadership to others could be as much as £173 billion in incremental GDP over the coming decade.

These potential economic benefits should be considered in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which the Bank of England indicates is an “unprecedented economic shock in modern times”. The Office for Budget Responsibility published a downside economic scenario which projects GDP only returns to pre-virus levels by the fourth quarter of 20241. It also predicts the UK’s unemployment rate peaks at 11%, with lasting long-term damage to the economy of 6% of GDP.

The Solution

Speed Up Britain believes that targeted changes to the Code will accelerate the process of enabling connectivity improvements. As part of its response to the consultation, the Campaign will ask for amendments to specific provisions in the Code which will remove the financial disincentives to site providers to conclude renewal agreements; remove inconsistencies between different legislative regimes; ensure operators can use the Code to upgrade existing sites; clarify the Code’s intention for the sharing and upgrading of sites; and give equal importance to the conclusion of new site and renewal agreements.

Responding to the government’s announcement on the consultation process, Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt, Speed Up Britain’s Campaign Chair, said:

“Speed Up Britain welcomes this consultation on the Code and the Government’s commitment to improving connectivity in the UK. The Code needs urgent legislative reform to deliver best-in-class connectivity across Britain for the benefit of everyone – industry, landowners, government, and wider society. Small changes to the Code could unlock billions of pounds in our economy, drive the UK’s COVID-19 recovery, and make a real difference to the public, businesses, and local authorities regionally.”

Commenting on the publication of the consultation to update the Code, Hamish MacLeod, Director at Mobile UK, said:

“The Government has set ambitious targets on extending coverage and capacity, and getting the regulatory framework right to enable operators to deploy their networks is essential. We welcome the consultation on the Electronic Communications Code as a vital part of this strategy and stress the importance that legislative change follows on rapidly.”


Press release

January 27, 2021, London – Speed Up Britain, the cross-industry, non-partisan organisation campaigning for better mobile connectivity in every part of the UK, welcomes today’s announcement that the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) will begin a consultation on potential changes to the 2017 Electronic Communications Code (“the Code”).

The issue

Speed Up Britain believes the Code, introduced to regulate the relationship between network operators and site providers who host the equipment needed for mobile networks, is not working as intended. Disagreements and lengthy legal proceedings over rights designed to facilitate the installation and maintenance of electronic communications networks are slowing down the buildout needed to deliver 4G and 5G technology across the country. In hampering the Government’s ambitious plans in this area, the Code in its current form is putting a huge economic prize at risk.

The Impact

Delays to the rollout of 5G and the Shared Rural Network caused by issues with the Code could cost the country tens of billions of pounds in lost economic output. A recent report by the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), supported by Speed Up Britain, has warned that if delays continue at their current rate, by 2027 over 11 million households and businesses could be missing out on vital digital connectivity.

The CPS estimates that if 5G coverage reaches a quarter more of the population than the Government’s current target of 51%, it will produce gains of £41.7 billion by 2027. Moreover, the difference between the UK being a leader in 5G adoption or ceding leadership to others could be as much as £173 billion in incremental GDP over the coming decade.

These potential economic benefits should be considered in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which the Bank of England indicates is an “unprecedented economic shock in modern times”. The Office for Budget Responsibility published a downside economic scenario which projects GDP only returns to pre-virus levels by the fourth quarter of 20241. It also predicts the UK’s unemployment rate peaks at 11%, with lasting long-term damage to the economy of 6% of GDP.

The Solution

Speed Up Britain believes that targeted changes to the Code will accelerate the process of enabling connectivity improvements. As part of its response to the consultation, the Campaign will ask for amendments to specific provisions in the Code which will remove the financial disincentives to site providers to conclude renewal agreements; remove inconsistencies between different legislative regimes; ensure operators can use the Code to upgrade existing sites; clarify the Code’s intention for the sharing and upgrading of sites; and give equal importance to the conclusion of new site and renewal agreements.

Responding to the government’s announcement on the consultation process, Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt, Speed Up Britain’s Campaign Chair, said:

“Speed Up Britain welcomes this consultation on the Code and the Government’s commitment to improving connectivity in the UK. The Code needs urgent legislative reform to deliver best-in-class connectivity across Britain for the benefit of everyone – industry, landowners, government, and wider society. Small changes to the Code could unlock billions of pounds in our economy, drive the UK’s COVID-19 recovery, and make a real difference to the public, businesses, and local authorities regionally.”

Commenting on the publication of the consultation to update the Code, Hamish MacLeod, Director at Mobile UK, said:

“The Government has set ambitious targets on extending coverage and capacity, and getting the regulatory framework right to enable operators to deploy their networks is essential. We welcome the consultation on the Electronic Communications Code as a vital part of this strategy and stress the importance that legislative change follows on rapidly.”


For media enquiries please contact:

James Melville-Ross: +44 (0) 790 968 4467
Adam Davidson: +44 (0) 779 384 5080

About Speed Up Britain

Speed Up Britain is a cross-industry, non-partisan organisation, campaigning for better mobile connectivity in every part of the UK.

Speed Up Britain was founded by Cellnex, Corner

For media enquiries please contact:

James Melville-Ross: +44 (0) 790 968 4467
Adam Davidson: +44 (0) 779 384 5080

About Speed Up Britain

Speed Up Britain is a cross-industry, non-partisan organisation, campaigning for better mobile connectivity in every part of the UK.

Speed Up Britain was founded by Cellnex, Cornerstone, MBNL and Mobile UK, organisations committed to delivering the infrastructure necessary to meet demand for future mobile connectivity but who are frustrated by blockages in the system of securing access agreements under the Electronic Communications Code 2017. The Campaign is also supported by Atlas Towers Group, Britannia Towers, DMSL and Ulstercom.

The campaign is chaired by Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt, the former Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (2001-2005) and Member of Parliament for Leicester West between 1997 and 2010.

Find out more at

View the DCMS consultation here.


Vodafone and Telefónica commercialise Cornerstone, the UK’s largest tower company

Vodafone Limited (“Vodafone UK”) and O2 Telefónica UK Limited (“O2 UK) announced today that they have signed agreements to commercialise Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited (“Cornerstone”), the 50:50 owned joint venture company that owns and manages their passive tower infrastructure in the United Kingdom. 

Vodafone UK and O2 UK have each entered into long-term Master Services Agreements (each, an “MSA”) with Cornerstone, which have initial terms of 8 years from 1 January 2021, with three 8-year renewal periods, and which establish Cornerstone as a preferred supplier of new sites for both operators. 

Vodafone intends to transfer its 50% shareholding in Cornerstone to Vantage Towers in January 2021. 

Key highlights

  • #1 tower infrastructure company in the UK with c.14,200 macro sites with a portfolio lease up rate of 2.0x and c.1,400 micro sites 
  • Adjusted FY20 pro forma adjusted EBITDA after Leases (“Adjusted EBITDAaL”) of £111 million 
  • Commitments for c.1,200 new macro sites by FY25 and c.1,950 new passive tenancies on existing sites by FY24, with an expected additional run-rate. Adjusted EBITDAaL contribution of approximately £17.5 million by FY26 (100% basis) 
  • Attractive medium-term revenue and recurring free cash flow growth outlook, supported by new build macro sites, committed new passive tenancies and rural white spot coverage obligations
  • Opportunity for additional sites and passive tenancies with Cornerstone well placed to capture a significant portion of the additional market tenancies required for densification and coverage in the UK

Future operations

The existing senior management team, led by Rhys Phillip, CEO, will continue to lead Cornerstone through and beyond this period of transition and will remain focussed on providing an excellent customer experience while seeking opportunities to grow the business and increase shareholder value.

Cornerstones relationships with key partners, suppliers and landlords remain unchanged by this announcement and we look forward to working with them to champion Digital Britain.

Rhys Phillip, CEO Cornerstone commented “This is a great step for Cornerstone as we continue our evolution and provides an opportunity to play an even more effective role in the development of Digital Britain”

For more information email

To read the Vodafone Group press release, please click here.

To read the Telefónica press release click here.

To read the Vantage Towers statement click here.

Cornerstone goes digital with a sharper solution

Now more than ever, legal teams are required to deliver a reliable and efficient way to get documents signed. The Legal and Compliance team at Cornerstone identified a need to overcome some of the challenges they faced with their manual-based paper signature process. Hear how the team accomplished this by implementing a Sharper Solution.

The challenge

As a business with an extensive estate portfolio, Cornerstone produces many documents (thousands) for signature. In addition to all those legal documents, our contract approval process also requires signatories from various teams to complete the procedure.

Often, the signing process would take longer than expected because it was paper-based and very manual, with documents often having to be manually passed around in person or via a scanned copy on email. With the process very paper-based, there was a heavy reliance on printers, scanners, paper and administrative resources.

Recognising the need to improve and work smarter, Cornerstone’s Legal and Compliance team looked for a solution that would help overcome some of these challenges.

The solution

The team identified that an electronic signature product that we could easily implement with Cornerstone’s current systems – would be the right solution to make the signatory process more quick, efficient and reliable. There was also a requirement to have a solution that we could access in real-time and remotely.

Trials with different products took place to test the best solution, and after a thorough review, Cornerstone chose Adobe Sign as our e-signature tool.

The project took about a year from the initial brief to the implementation. With support from Cornerstone’s IT team, Adobe Sign was seamlessly integrated. This Sharper Solution has been in use for a year and has delivered tangible benefits already.

Adobe Sign has made a significant difference to our document signing process. It’s a real game-changer – especially given the current climate we’re all working in! It now only takes us minutes to sign documents when it used to take days, and that makes a huge difference. With the drive for organisations to work more remotely, the ability to sign documents electronically enables us to carry out this key part of our legal activities better, faster and more securely.

Phil Warren, Head of Legal & Compliance, Cornerstone


Since the introduction of Adobe Sign, we have experienced the following benefits:

  • Improved Productivity – we have saved time by sending documents digitally to signatories, therefore reducing manual-based administration – what was taking days/weeks, is now taking minutes/hours.
  • Better Governance and Security – we have improved our governance through enhanced audit trails and electronic data storage and can now securely move documents across teams for signing 24/7.
  • Cost-savings – we have saved money through the reduction of paper, printing and postage costs.
  • Become Greener – by reducing our need for paper and ink; we’ve made a better contribution to our ISO Environmental objective.
  • Better Information – we have reporting to help us analyse performance and continue to improve our procedures.

Cornerstone award national maintenance contract to Mitie

  • Cornerstone awards Mitie a new national network maintenance contract, following a competitive retender process
  • The contract covers maintenance and engineering for all of Cornerstone’s managed estate of 20,000 UK telecoms sites
  • The new contract supports Cornerstone’s ongoing business transformation and maintains its position as the UK’s leading mobile infrastructure services company.

Cornerstone, the UK’s leading mobile infrastructure services company, which owns and manages an estate of over 20,000 telecoms sites for its customers, primarily Vodafone and Telefónica, has awarded Mitie a new national contract.

The contract supports Cornerstone’s ongoing business transformation as the market leader in providing best in class connectivity, across the UK’s critical national infrastructure, to tens of millions of mobile network users.

Mitie will provide maintenance and engineering services across Cornerstone’s UK footprint. They will deploy industry leading technology solutions such as dynamic task scheduling software to better manage resources and generate more uptime in the network.

It is anticipated that these technology solutions will also bring a positive environmental impact by optimising planned maintenance visits, minimising reactive works and reducing the number of engineer site visits, or ‘truck rolls’, each year.

Cornerstone is determined to contribute to the growth of a stronger industry, particularly when it comes to recruiting the next generation of talent. Having already run a work placement scheme for under 21-year olds, Cornerstone will be working with Mitie and Dael Telecom to create the first Cellular Telecoms Engineering Apprenticeship, complimenting Mitie’s forthcoming Telecoms Academy; to find, inspire and hire future telecoms talent.

Following the contract award to Mitie, Denis Coakley, Chief Operating Officer from Cornerstone commented:

“Cornerstone is pleased to partner with Mitie who understands our goals and determination to deliver excellence in telecoms infrastructure management in a sharp way. Our combined industry expertise and our shared ambition will accelerate a step change in the management of mobile passive infrastructure in the UK. We look forward to a successful partnership in the years ahead”.

About Cornerstone Cornerstone (company registered name of Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited) was created as a joint venture by Vodafone and Telefónica in 2012 to own and manage their combined mobile infrastructure estates.

For more information visit or email

Cross-industry approach can support UK’s digital connectivity

Cooperation is vital to make the Electronic Communications Code work. But is everyone playing their part?

It’s been three years this month since the Government revised the Electronic Communications Code (ECC). It’s been a challenging journey as a mobile infrastructure services provider, but let’s look at how we as an industry have embraced the highs and tackled the lows.

Since the updated legislation was introduced, it has caused misinterpretations and a reluctance to accept the new code rights by the landowner community. But, tribunal cases between telecom operators and landlords have provided us with further clarity. Whether it’s been about the land valuation principles or code rights or other matters, the tribunals have helped guide us on what the new code entails.

But going to trial hasn’t been enough for the industry to understand what the code means, three years on. We have certainly seen a rise in consensual code deals over the past few months and experienced the industry growing in confidence in using the code.

Still, we are not quite where we need to be if we want the code to help us deliver the UK’s digital connected future.

What’s the impact if completing deals continue to take too long?

A recent report by the Centre of Policy Studies stated:
“If the average time to complete a deal remained at 11 months (five months beyond the six months intended by the ECC), it would mean an accumulative 10,400 sites would need negotiations completed within 2027, affecting 8.8m premises. The impacts are, of course, subject to a number of variations, but what is clear is that a substantial part of the population will not be receiving the best connectivity they could be without action to reduce these delays.”*

We need to recognise that if we want to benefit from enhanced digital services and explore the opportunities presented by 5G and future technologies, then we need to enable the telecoms industry to deliver its services quickly, cost-effectively and efficiently – the prime objective of introducing the code.

Stalling new site agreements or maintenance and upgrade works to existing infrastructure can create delays and impact the coverage and connectivity within an area. Therefore, we need the code to work.

We need to take a lead and act on this rapidly to ensure we deliver public and business demands for reliable connectivity.

Cross-industry support will make a difference

Cornerstone supports the Speed Up Britain campaign with other industry peers, calling on the Government to make the necessary changes to the code. We have made progress and the Government has recognised that there are loopholes in the code which must be addressed. We are working closely with them to ensure that the code provides a clear legal framework for landowners and operators to enter into agreements to allow for easier deployment and maintenance of telecoms infrastructure within the UK.

Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt, Speed Up Britain’s Campaign Chair stated: “There aren’t many low-cost ways to unlock serious economic growth, but small changes to the Electronic Communication Code could unlock billions of pounds in our economy, drive the UK’s COVID-19 recovery, and deliver significant regional growth.”

Connectivity continues to play a critical part in our lives. Although many of us already relied on mobile connectivity before the pandemic, the impact of Covid-19 has forced us to turn to digital services even more. Undoubtedly, this emphasises the need for us to work together even more closely as an industry to improve and deliver digital connectivity across the UK. We can all play our part in achieving this.

Cross-industry engagement between the legal, property and telecoms industries is needed to make this work. We need to aim for one goal, and that’s to achieve greater UK connectivity.

Download the article PDF here

* Upwardly Mobile – How the UK can gain the full benefits of the 5G revolution, 2020. By Alex Jackman and Nick King.

Seasons Greetings From Cornerstone

Tis the season to stay connected

As we draw to the close of a year that none of us could have predicted, the importance of staying connected has never been more under the spotlight. 

Since March 2020, the majority of the UK population have been spending more time at home, most of it not through choice but out of necessity to protect the nation’s health. Whether it has been to convert the kitchen table or sofa into the new home office or schoolroom to keep the kid’s education up to date, we’ve all had to adapt. Across the board, different generations have got to grips with Zoom or equivalent technology to stay in touch with loved ones they could not visit. 

For those unable to be at home, our NHS and social care workers, teachers, delivery drivers, supermarket assistants, refuse crews, having guaranteed connectivity has been vital to ensuring our key workers have been able to keep the UK going. 

Cornerstone is incredibly proud to be part of that national connectivity effort.  We have continued to maintain, upgrade, and build new mobile infrastructure sites up and down the country. All of this could not have been achieved without the support of our Partners and Landlord community. Together we have demonstrated the collective power of teamwork.

As we make our plans for the Christmas break, stay safe, stay well and stay connected.

We wish you all the best for a brighter, better 2021.


Birmingham City Council and Dudley Council sign landmark lease agreements to accelerate the roll-out of 5G in the West Midlands


November 2020

– The future of connectivity in the West Midlands has been secured for the next decade –

– Fifth generation mobile networks critical to driving economic recovery in the region –

– Connectivity crucial to society in post-COVID era, presenting greater future opportunities –

Birmingham City Council and Dudley Council have signed landmark lease agreements with Cornerstone and MBNL – the key infrastructure providers for mobile network operators  Telefónica  (O2),  Vodafone, EE, and Three – to accelerate the roll-out of 5G network infrastructure under the guidance of West Midlands 5G (WM5G) Limited.

Thanks to the groundbreaking work of the team at WM5G, both Birmingham City Council and Dudley Council will enable their communities to be among the first to benefit from investment in 5G.

The collaboration between WM5G, MBNL and Cornerstone, as well as some of the region’s local authorities including Birmingham City Council and Dudley Council, has paid dividends, with up to 50 lease agreements being secured for 5G mobile sites in key locations across the West Midlands, paving the way for more.

The lease agreements afford security for mobile network operators and provide a framework for the ongoing development of mobile network infrastructure.  Reducing the barriers and time to deploy the required infrastructure – cutting the deployment time by six months or more – will only enable the benefits sooner to the citizens, businesses, and the public sector across the West Midlands.

The biggest obstacle facing the deployment of 5G networks across the UK has been the dramatic changes to legal and planning regulations governing the deployment of mobile network infrastructure. Market challenges have arisen from revisions to the Electronic Communications Code (ECC) 2017, causing delays to the deployment of mobile networks and hindering the roll-out of 5G.

The approach has been successful to-date; and having worked with all seven local authorities in the West Midlands Combined Authority area, the region was recently ranked highest in a 5G coverage survey undertaken by independent telecoms advisory company umlaut.

Minister for Digital Infrastructure, Matt Warman, said: “I welcome these new agreements that will deliver a boost to the speedy roll-out of 5G in the West Midlands.

 “The role local authorities can play in bringing the benefits of new technology to homes and businesses is crucial and I hope to see more councils adopting the same spirit of cooperation to deliver our bold plan for a digital infrastructure revolution.”

Dr Peter Bishop, Director for Digital & Customer Services at Birmingham City Council, added: “5G offers significant benefits to the citizens and businesses in Birmingham. It will drive the economic growth of the city, offer new innovative ways of working and new business models that will improve public service and I am really pleased that we have been able to work collaboratively with WM5G, MBNL and Cornerstone to achieve faster deployment of this technology.”

Councillor Ian Kettle, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Enterprise at Dudley Council, said: “We’re pleased that our streamlined planning processes will help to support the growth of a 5G network in Dudley when it arrives in the borough. We are working hard to make sure this comes to the borough as soon as possible to help bolster our position as a key destination for new businesses for the future.”

Juliette Wallace, Business Planning and Property Director at MBNL, added: “MBNL is delighted to have successfully concluded new ‘code’ agreements with Birmingham City Council. Having these agreements in place ensures the swift and efficient roll-out of 5G and enables communities within Birmingham to realise the benefits of 5G connectivity.

“The agreements are the result of remarkable collaboration with the council and WM5G, which has provided instrumental support in facilitating the completion of the arrangements. 

“As a founding member of Speed Up Britain, MBNL will continue to work closely with the West Midlands Combined Authority and other local authorities to bring better mobile connectivity to more places across the UK.”

Iain Harris, Head of Special Projects at Cornerstone, added: “Cornerstone is delighted to announce the completion of 18 new ‘code’ agreements with Birmingham City Council and Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council. These new agreements will support the existing mobile network and the deployment of 5G technology to benefit local businesses and residents.

“The West Midlands 5G team has been instrumental in supporting both councils in these very collaborative negotiations using the Government’s new legislation, which intends to improve connectivity across the UK. All three parties have worked together to achieve this significant milestone that underpins increased connectivity in key locations as Birmingham and Dudley, thereby supporting the UK Government in its plans.”

Rhys Enfield, Head of Infrastructure Acceleration at WM5G, said: “Our programme has already helped our region’s towns and cities accelerate their access to 5G. Getting the infrastructure in place now, means that private and public sector organisations will get to experience 5G’s endless possibilities sooner. In turn, this will help to enhance the UK’s position as a world leader in 5G technology.

“Our input in securing these landmark lease agreements has been crucial. In promoting the benefits of 5G connectivity and collaborating with all the parties involved, we have ensured a much smoother path towards the delivery of upgraded 5G sites across the West Midlands. We can now reap the rewards of greater connectivity for the next decade and have the right foundations in place for the innovations of the future.”

For more information, visit:


For further information contact:


Ross Copping 

T: +44(0) 121 285 3762                                    


Emma Johansson

T: +44(0) 121 285 4251


Notes to Editors:

West Midlands 5G (WM5G)
WM5G Limited is a multi-million-pound programme that both the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) have set-up to develop the UK’s first region-wide 5G testbed.

Earlier this year, WM5G launched 5PRING – the UK’s first 5G application accelerator in Birmingham. Two further accelerators will follow in Coventry and Wolverhampton, and the facilities will provide private and public sector organisations with the opportunity to experience 5G first-hand and develop innovative new applications and services.

5PRING is being delivered in partnership with an O2-led consortium, and supported by Wayra UK, Deloitte and Digital Catapult.

5PRING – is also supported by the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) Local Growth Fund.

As part of the 5G Testbeds and Trials Programme, WM5G will maximise the productivity and efficiency benefits of 5G, creating new opportunities for UK businesses and encouraging inward investment. WM5G is designed to achieve citizen, public and private sector benefits from 5G and to accelerate the deployment of the technology across the region.

MBNL is jointly owned by EE and Three, two of the UK’s leading and most innovative mobile operators.  Since established in 2007 as the industry’s first network-sharing joint venture, MBNL has been providing best-in-class mobile infrastructure services to EE and Three for serving their tens of millions of customers in the UK. 

Cornerstone is the UK’s leading mobile infrastructure services company formed in 2012 as a joint venture between Telefónica UK (O2) and Vodafone.   Cornerstone acquires, manages and maintains over 20,000 sites across the UK, which houses their customers’ mobile equipment.

Speed Up Britain gains additional industry support

London, UK, 12 2020 – Three of the UK’s wireless infrastructure providers – Britannia Towers, Ulstercom, and Atlas Tower Group – together with Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited (DMSL), a joint venture of the UK mobile network operators (MNOs), have joined Speed Up Britain as campaign supporters. Launched in July, Speed Up Britain is a campaign calling for the Government to reform the Electronic Communications Code (“the Code”), legislation that was intended to assist the rapid deployment of mobile infrastructure.

Britannia Towers and Ulstercom own and operate transmission sites for the wireless and broadcast industries in mainland United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Through their networks of towers, they facilitate improvements in mobile coverage across the UK and the deployment of 5G infrastructure.

Atlas Tower Group is an independent wireless infrastructure provider that builds and operates sites throughout the UK. Atlas provide innovative solutions that enable efficient deployment of 4G and 5G technology for mobile operators across the country.

DMSL, a joint venture between EE, Telefónica (O2), Three and Vodafone, is responsible for the delivery of the Shared Rural Network (SRN). The SRN will extend good 4G coverage to 95 per cent of the country and is funded by both the MNOs and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport.

The expansion of Speed Up Britain’s network of industry supporters marks an important step for the campaign in its efforts to secure reform to the Electronic Communications Code. Since launching in July, the campaign has held two industry roundtables with the Minister for Digital Infrastructure Matt Warman MP, launched a report on the Code with the Centre for Policy Studies, and met with national and local leaders from across the UK.

The announcement also comes on the back of confirmation from the Minister for Digital Infrastructure that the Government plans to publish a consultation on the operation of the Code before Christmas.

Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt, Chair of Speed Up Britain, said:

“We are delighted to welcome Britannia Towers, Ulstercom, Atlas Tower Group and DMSL to Speed Up Britain. Together they bring a wealth of industry knowledge and experience to the campaign that will prove invaluable as we continue to press for urgent, necessary changes to the Code.”

Emmet Stokes, Director at Britannia Towers and Ulstercom, said:

“We are very proud to be joining our industry colleagues in Speed Up Britain. We feel it is imperative that the industry comes together to support the fundamental issue of Code reform in the greater interest of everyone who uses wireless technology at home or at work. 

We have come to the firm conclusion that in its present form, the Code is proving to be more of a barrier than a support in helping us maintain and grow our tower network to support mobile network operators, broadband providers and multiple other site users.”

Russell Jeffries, CEO at Atlas Tower Group, said:

“It is a privilege for Atlas to be joining Speed Up Britain alongside other leading industry players. This initiative is important in ensuring that the Code seamlessly supports efficient deployment of next generation communications technology across the UK.  

The Code should be an enabler of 5G roll-out rather than a barrier. If this can be achieved, the legislation can be a powerful tool that works in partnership with business to roll-out connectivity as quickly as possible, benefiting consumers throughout the country.”

Ben Roome, CEO at Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited (DMSL), said:

“Effective implementation of the Code is critical to delivering the benefits of mobile connectivity to some of the most rural places around the UK. It is only by all parties working together the Shared Rural Network can deliver it’s objective of transforming mobile coverage countrywide, enabling rural business to prosper and rural communities to thrive.”


For media enquiries please contact: 

James Melville-Ross: +44 (0) 790 968 4467

Adam Davidson: +44 (0) 779 384 5080

About Speed Up Britain

Speed Up Britain is a cross-industry, non-partisan organisation, campaigning for better mobile connectivity in every part of across the UK.

Speed Up Britain was founded by organisations committed to delivering the infrastructure necessary to meet demand for future mobile connectivity but who are frustrated by blockages in the system of securing access agreements under the Electronic Communications Code 2017.

The campaign is chaired by Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt, the former Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (2001-2005) and Member of Parliament for Leicester West between 1997 and 2010.

Find out more at

About Britannia Towers and Ulstercom

Britannia Towers and Ulstercom own and operate transmission sites for the wireless and broadcast industries throughout the United Kingdom. They have built up an extensive network of transmission sites over many years in business. As part of this network, they own, manage and develop high capacity telecommunications towers and licence antenna space on these to the full spectrum of wireless service providers.

About Atlas Tower Group

Atlas Tower Group is an independent telecoms infrastructure company that builds, owns and operates wireless sites throughout the UK. Established in 2018, Atlas is managed by an experienced team with a proven track record of delivering major innovations to the industry. The company offers a transparent and uncomplicated customer-focused proposition that works in partnership with the country’s leading mobile operators and operator JVs.

About Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited

Established in 2012, Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited (DMSL) is a joint venture of the UK mobile network operators EE, Telefónica (O2), Three and Vodafone. Our vision is a disruption free digital life for people across the UK. DMSL helps make this a reality by connecting people to communications and media networks and removing barriers to access.

We specialise in transparently delivering complex programmes with multiple public and private stakeholders. Utilising our expertise in radio modelling, customer experience and TV coverage planning, we support our stakeholders in achieving their shared objectives through our TV interference mitigation, spectrum clearing and rural connectivity programmes.

Coronavirus: taking an industry leading approach

Stuart Farrell, Head of Supply Chain Management, reflects on Cornerstone’s approach to the ongoing pandemic and what might change going forwards.

After what has been to date a global pivot point for Supply Chain Management, with the onset and continuation of the global pandemic, now is a point in time to pause and share some of the steps already taken in Telecoms Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) to ‘keep Britain connected’.

As the UK moves into, what some describe as a second wave of coronavirus, and with local lockdowns becoming the “new normal”, there are some key lessons and learnings for Cornerstone, our Partners and the Industry as a whole.

Overall, I would say that both the Fixed and Mobile Telecommunications industries have responded well to this exceptional situation, being pro-active with the use of technology, innovation and leading by example. According to Nigel Newton, Managing Director of one of our long-standing strategic partners, Clarke Telecom, Cornerstone’s response has been to “set a very high benchmark by taking an industry lead, that to my knowledge, has not been replicated anywhere. Your approach to supplier communications and leadership has been exemplary.” 

Very encouraging feedback to receive, which we have heard flavours of many times over the past four months on our weekly touchpoint communications MS Teams calls. They validate all the team’s hard work, which started as soon as the government announced the national lockdown.

Stuart Farrell, Head of Supply Chain Management, reflects on Cornerstone's approach to the ongoing pandemic and what might change going forwards.

Our priority was to make contact with all of our strategic CNI Suppliers, creating both a verbal and visual dialogue early on. It allowed everyone to understand how they could work together, to continually provide much needed connectivity for the nation. We did this by hosting weekly Supplier Surgeries on MS Teams, attended by 70 colleagues across Cornerstone and our supplier network. Our agenda led with Health and Safety, which rightly so, was at the centre of all our decision-making.

In addition, during these well attended surgeries each week, we were able to provide the latest updates on the CNI estate that we own and manage on behalf of Vodafone and O2-Telefónica.

We also shared the latest, up to date Government safety advice and guidance, and cascade details from the National Criminal Intelligence briefings, giving much needed locations of possible terrorism events, such as arson and vandalism. 

With the primary aim of wanting to make the lives of those out in the field safer and better understood by the British public, we backed up our approach with tangible actions. We did this by providing CNI equipment and jackets, creating telecoms critical works van signage, developing CNI site notices, and issuing correspondence to explain to the public, where needed, that our people were key essential workers performing critical services to the nation. 

Recognising the potential financial risks to some of our suppliers during these uncertain times, we also made the bold decision to reduce payment terms and paid valid invoices quicker. By doing so, we ensured the ‘freeing up’ of operating cashflow, enabling our suppliers to support their sub-contractors downstream, allowing them to continue trading and providing a much needed service.

Our company values drove all of our actions, while demonstrating to our partners that we genuinely care as a company and value them. In turn, I’d like to think we have influenced them with best approaches for managing their suppliers, from the experience they have shared with us.

As for the future, I firmly believe our approach, actions and lessons learned will place us in a strong position.

We are now as a business and a 4,500 people strong Supply Chain, better equipped to take on any second wave challenge, and I strongly believe we have new tools at our disposal to be even stronger next time, with flexibility, transparency and safety forming key parts of our business continuity plans going forward.

I’m confident we will get through this situation as #TogetherWeAreBetter

Cornerstone’s Code Team awarded top legal prize

Cornerstone’s Code Team has been awarded the top prize at the Law Society’s Excellence Awards – the highest accolade for law firms in England and Wales.

The event – held virtually for the first time due to the Covid-19 pandemic – shines a spotlight on the achievements of solicitors in England and Wales. Professionals and their firms are recognised across a range of categories covering all areas of legal practice and business.

Cornerstone’s Code Team was announced as the winner of the Excellence In-house category.

Law Society of England and Wales president Simon Davis said:

“2020 has been an extremely challenging year for the profession and the public. Solicitors have gone above and beyond in order to keep individual and business clients out of trouble, often at risk to their own mental, physical and financial health.

At the Law Society Excellence Awards, we come together to celebrate outstanding success.

There are more than 9,000 firms and 190,000 solicitors in England and Wales, so to win an Excellence Award is an extraordinary achievement. Congratulations to all the winners and those shortlisted.”


Notes to editors

  • Winners were announced at the Law Society’s Excellence Awards virtual ceremonies held from 13–15 October 2020.