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Cornerstone and its Partners protect Nesting Kestrels in Scotland

As part of our ongoing commitment to the environment and the wildlife around our base stations, we’ve partnered with the Scottish Raptor Study Group and WHP Telecoms, to solve a problem for nesting Kestrels on our tower near Glasgow.  The project is another great example of how we are considering the local environment through the lifecycle of our infrastructure developments.

The nesting box has been used by the Kestrels for many years and it was important to ensure their breeding habitat was not disturbed.  The Scottish Raptor Group approached us highlighting that the nesting box had corroded and asked if we could find a solution that prevented the eggs being damaged.  We were delighted to work with our Partners at WHP Telecom who threw in their best team, Paul McHugh, Delivery Manager at WHP Telecoms, aided by skilled riggers Connor and Warren. The team were able to expertly replace the dilapidated old nesting box and it has been a great success story. 

“We at the Scottish Raptor Study Group are thrilled with the progress and dedication Cornerstone has shown towards raptor conservation. As we progress, I will continue to closely monitoring the site, providing updates with photos and video clips. We hope to see the Kestrels return to breed again next year in this safe haven. This kind of proactive conservation activity benefits the raptors themselves and allows us to reinvest in local conservation projects with Cornerstone’s support and funding. Every contribution amplifies our efforts to protect these magnificent birds of prey and ensures a brighter future for our shared natural heritage.”

Scott Maxwell, Scottish Raptor Study Group

To enhance monitoring of the nesting birds a wifi camera will be installed.

Take a look at our photos to see how we made it all possible and our lovely kestrel sitting on the old nesting box.

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Huge thanks to Rob Potter and his team at WHP Telecoms who have been instrumental in supporting this environmental initiative.