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Mobile Towers – capturing the next phase of growth


Watch our CEO, Rhys Phillip, take part in a TMT Finance hosted panel discussion about mobile towers – capturing the next phase of growth – with Oscar Pollarols, Global Commercial Director of Cellnex and Scott Coates, founder of Wireless Infrastructure Group. 

These leading industry players talk about their priorities to optimise growth, how funding and valuations differ between independent and captive tower companies, and what they think the impact of 5G will be to the industry.

You can view the video in full by visiting: TMT Connect

Below is a summary of the key points:

  • Cornerstone continues to consolidate its position as the leading TowerCo in the UK
  • Cornerstone continues to be focused on ensuring it’s itinerary is fit to be a platform for growth. This means: Right people, right data management and governance, efficient work processes, right partnering relationships etc
  • We believe there is significant growth to come in the UK from densification of the active networks, 5G roll out and then, in the medium term, small cells
  • Valuations are comparable for captive TowerCos and for Independent TowerCos – both have the same growth opportunities, the same need to invest on robust business cases etc. Valuation can be affected by the degree of control that shareholders wish to retain over the captive TowerCo and where to strike the balance between operational control and value.