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New Cornerstone Life Saving Rules – an innovative approach to a well-known challenge


Cornerstone’s Operational Compliance and Governance Department is pleased to announce the launch of their Life Saving Rules known as Salus. They are named after the Roman Goddess of Health and Welfare for the individual and the state, who later became the protector of Personal Health and Wellbeing.

Work first began on Salus well over 18 months ago. After analysing data to understand our incident trends and performance, we, in collaboration with Cornerstone subject matter experts, stakeholders and suppliers, have developed 9 lifesavers to help prevent injuries and reduce risk in the future. Each lifesaver represents an indicator of high-risk activity and focus area where we want to remind all workers that specific frameworks, requirements and guidance are in place to ensure safe operations when on site.

In this first phase of our campaign, the 9 lifesavers are accompanied by the relevant dos and don’ts.

We know that others have already presented life saving rules in many different formats. However, we consciously wanted to create something innovative and new to engage and embed the messages with our audience. We believe we have achieved that – why not see for yourself from our animated guide and downloadable pdf.

Andrew Alexander
Head of Business Enterprise, Governance and Risk Management