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Policy Reform Blueprint for UK’s Digital Transformation


Press Release

Cornerstone Unveils Industry-Leading Policy Reform Blueprint to Propel UK’s Digital Infrastructure Transformation

Cornerstone, the UK’s leading digital infrastructure company, has unveiled its focused “6-Point Connectivity Blueprint,” aimed at spearheading the UK’s digital transformation. This strategic framework, born out of real use cases across the UK, outlines targeted policies and actions across six critical areas to accelerate progress towards a digitally enabled society. A detailed copy is available to download at the end of this article.

“At Cornerstone, we are committed to driving innovation and fostering inclusive development through enhanced digital connectivity,” remarked Pat Coxen, CEO at Cornerstone. “Our 6-Point Connectivity Blueprint represents a landmark initiative to address key challenges and unlock the full potential of digital infrastructure across the UK.”

The cornerstone of the blueprint lies in its comprehensive approach, encompassing:

  1. Planning for Prosperity: Advocating for enhanced funding and resource support for local planning authorities to expedite telecommunications infrastructure planning applications.
  2. Digital Integration Mandate: Proposing a mandate for local authorities to incorporate digital connectivity plans into development processes, ensuring future-proofed infrastructure.
  3. Local Digital Champions: Empowering and funding Digital Champions within local authorities to facilitate the rollout of telecommunications infrastructure and align with digital and economic development strategies.
  4. Unified Planning Framework: Harmonising planning regimes between central and devolved governments to promote regulatory coherence and streamline infrastructure development.
  5. Digital Access Act: Calling for legislative changes to streamline access procedures under the Electronic Communications Code, facilitating efficient deployment of critical infrastructure.
  6. PSTI Implementation Act: Urging the implementation of provisions under the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act (PSTI) to enhance investment and industry consistency.

“Our proposal for policy reform offers substantial benefits to both Government, industry stakeholders, and investors” added Belinda Fawcett, General Counsel and Director of Property and Estates. “By supporting enhanced funding for local planning authorities and advocating for streamlined legislative changes, we aim to expedite infrastructure development while promoting economic growth and job creation.”

Cornerstone’s commitment to designing, building, and deploying industry-leading shared digital infrastructure underscores its dedication to facilitating seamless connectivity nationwide. As a trusted partner in digital infrastructure transformation, Cornerstone stands ready to collaborate with government and industry stakeholders to drive transformative change for the benefit of all.

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Editor’s Note:

Cornerstone is the UK’s leading digital infrastructure services company with approximately 15,500 sites across the UK. With a focus on enabling seamless mobile and digital connectivity, Cornerstone brings together land, property, infrastructure, and technology for positive change.

6 Point Connectivity Blueprint Proposal for Policy Reform

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