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Telecoms Industry Communications Framework


In March 2021, The Department of Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) commenced a series of workshops. The aim was to bring together the site provider and telecoms community to facilitate discussions to understand better the current industry challenges and goals to help maintain and improve connectivity across the UK.

The workshops determined that a new Telecoms Industry Communications Framework was needed to help improve and promote best practices between all parties when communicating on the renewal or new installations of mobile and fixed infrastructure on sites. The communications framework has been developed with representatives from across the industry to identify how telecom companies and site providers can improve engagement and build trusting relationships. The aim is to work to these guidelines to expect consistency and a positive experience when working together.

Why is this framework important? Mobile technologies and services are evolving and are now considered an essential resource. The Operators and infrastructure providers aspire to fulfil this public demand. But this is only possible by working together with site providers in finding new sites or maintaining existing sites to host mobile infrastructure. Using this Communications Framework, we set the right expectations and practice the right behaviours to make the agreement process as smooth as possible. It is in everyone’s interest to use this when engaging in site agreements to ultimately play a responsible part in enabling the public to gain better access to digital services.

“We know collaboration and communication are key to building relationships with our landlords. We are committed to using this Telecoms Communications Framework with our partners when delivering sites to improve mobile connectivity across the UK.”

Belinda Fawcett, Director of Property & Estates and General Counsel, Cornerstone.

If you would like to request a copy of the framework, please get in touch with us on